Albelda, Eduardo Ferrer ; Gómez, Fernando Lozano & Mazuelos Pérez, José | Salvación, Infierno, Olvido: Escatología en el mundo antiguo | |  |
Aldhouse-Green, Miranda J. | Archaeology of Images. Iconology and Cosmology in Iron Age and Roman Europe | |  |
Alexander, Michael C. | The Case for the Prosecution in the Ciceronian Era | |  |
Alföldy, Géza | Historia social de Roma | |  |
Altheim, Franz | A history of the roman religion | |  |
Ameriks, Karl & Clarke, Desmond M. | Greek and Roman Aesthetics (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy) | |  |
Ames, Cecilia
Sagristani, Marta
(Compiladoras) | Estudios Interdisciplinarios de Historia Antigua.
Volumen IV | |  |
Aparecido Angelozzi, Gilberto | A Águia e a Cruz. Identificação Cristã pelos Romanos entre 54 e 117d.C | |  |
Arbea, Antonio | Poliscena de Leonardo della Serrata- Comedia humanística latina . Introducción, Texto y Traducción | |  |
Ardevan, Radu & Zerbini, Livio | La Dacia Romana | |  |
Arnheim, R.T.W. | Senatorial Aristocracy in the Later Roman Empire | |  |
Augoustakis, Antony | Motherhood and the Other: Fashioning Female Power in Flavian Epic | |  |
Badian, E. | Foreign Clientelae, 264-70 B.C. | |  |
Badian, E. | Lucius Sulla. The Deadly Reformer (Todd Memorial Lecture) | |  |
Baur, F. C. | Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ. His Life and Works, His Epistles and Teachings | |  |
Beltrán Lloris, Miguel
Paz Peralta , Juan Ángel
Ortiz Palomar, Esperanza
| Las aguas sagradas
del Municipium Turiaso (prólogo) | |  |
Berlin, Andrea & Overman, J. Andrew | First Jewish Revolt : Archaeology, History, and Ideology | |  |
Blumell, Lincoln H. | The early Roman emperors and the Christians. | |  |
Bodley Scott, Richard | Legions Triumphant. Imperial Rome at War (Field of Glory Gaming Companion) | |  |
Borgen, Peder ; Robbins, Vernon K. & Gowler, David B. | Recruitment, Conquest, and Conflict. Strategies in Judaism, Early Christianity, and the Greco-Rom | |  |
Bradford, Alfred S. | With Arrow, Sword, and Spear A History of Warfare in the Ancient World | |  |
Burckhardt, Jacob | The Age of Constantine the Great | |  |
Burpo Shepard, Robert | My name is Pontius Pilatus: A new understanding for christians of the tragic roots of anti-semitism in the gospels through the voices of Simon of Cyrene ... | |  |
Campbell, Duncan B. | Mons Graupius AD 83. Rome's battle at the edge of the world (Campaign) | |  |
Carsana, Chiara | La teoria della "Costituzione Mista" nell'età imperiale romana. | |  |
Castillo Ramírez, Elena | Propaganda política y culto imperial en Hispania (de Augusto a Antonino Pío) | |  |
Coviello, Ana Luisa | La sátira romana: género de fronteras y antitexto en Horacio y Persio | |  |
Croiset, Maurice | Essai sur la vie et les oeuvres de Lucien (1882) | |  |
Da Costa Campos, Carlos Eduardo | AS TABELLAE DEFIXIONUM DE SAGUNTO | |  |
Daley, S. J. Briane | The Hope of the Early Church. A handbook of Patristic Eschatology | |  |
Daming, David | Science and Technology in World History, Vol. 1. The Ancient World and Classical Civilization | |  |
Davis Hanson, Victor | Makers of Ancient Strategy: From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome | |  |
Davis, Lindsay | La carrera de honor | |  |
Dawson, Doyne | The Origins of
Western Warfare. Militarism and morality in the ancient world | |  |
De Nardis, Mauro | The writings of the Roman land surveyors. Technical and legal aspects | |  |
Demartino, Robert Marius | The roman nobility and the state religion in the late republic | |  |
Dembskey, Evan James | The aqueducts of ancient Rome | |  |
Derks, Tom-Roymans, Nico (Eds.) | Ethnic Constructor in Antiquity
The Role of power and tradition | |  |
Dobson, Michael John | The Roman camps at Numantia. A reapraisal in the light of a critical analysis of polybius` discourse on the roman army. 1 | |  |
Dobson, Michael John | The Roman camps at Numantia. A reapraisal in the light of a critical analysis of polybius` discourse on the roman army. 2 | |  |
Drogo Montagu, John | Greek and Roman Warfare. Battles, Tactics & Trickery | |  |
Dumezil, Georges | The Plight of a Sorcerer (Dumezil) | |  |
Dumézil, Georges | Gods of the Ancient Northmen (Dumezil) | |  |
Duncan-jones, Richard | Money and Government in the Roman Empire.pdf | |  |
Dzino, Danijel | Illyricum in Roman Politics, 229BC-AD68 | |  |
Egea Vivancos, Alejandro | Poblamiento romano en el Alto Éufrates Sirio | |  |
Eilers, Claude (Editor) | Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Roman World | |  |
Epplett, William Christopher | Animal spectacular of the Roman Empire | |  |
Ernout, A. y Meillet, A. | Dictionnaire Étymologique de la Langue Latine | |  |
Erskine, Andrew | Roman Imperialism (Debates and Documents in Ancient History) | |  |
Erskine, Andrew | Companion to Ancient History | |  |
Excavaciones en el patio del Colegio Joaquín Costa (antiguo Allué Salvador). Tarazona (Zaragoza) | Las aguas sagradas del Municipium Turiaso | |  |
Fabretti, Raffaello | Aqueduct Hunting in the Seventeenth Century. Raffaele Fabretti's De aquis et aquaeductibus veteri | |  |
Farioli Campanati, Raffaella | Monumenti funerari romani ad edicola in Italia settentrionale | |  |
Fernandez, Nuria Ramón | La Cerámica del neolítico Antiguo en Aragón | |  |
Fields, Nic | The Roman Army of the Principate: 27 BC - AD117 | |  |
Fields, Nic | Carthaginian Warrior 264-146 BC | |  |
Fields, Nic | Roman Battle Tactics 390-110 BC (Elite 172) | |  |
Fitzgibbon-Marvin, Patricia M. | Literary portraits and caricatures of second century Epicureans | |  |
Foertmeyer, Victoria | Tourism in Graeco-Roman Egypt | |  |
Fronda, Michael P. | Between Rome and Carthage. Southern Italy during the Second Punic War | |  |
Fábio Cerqueira, Ana Teresa Gonçalves,
Edalaura Medeiros & José Luís Brandão
| Saberes e poderes
no Mundo Antigo
Estudos ibero-latino-americanos
Volume I - Dos saberes. | |  |
Fábio Cerqueira, Ana Teresa Gonçalves,
Edalaura Medeiros & José Luís Brandão
| Saberes e poderes
no Mundo Antigo
Estudos ibero-latino-americanos
Volume II - Dos poderes. | |  |
Gabba, Emilio | Republican Rome, the Army and the Allies. | |  |
Gabba, Emilio | Conversazione sulla storia | |  |
Garlan, Yvon | War in the Ancient World: A Social History | |  |
Gibbon, Edward | Historia de la decadencia y
ruina del Imperio Romano | |  |
González Rojas, Pablo | Virtus y Res Publica:
Aproximación a los tiempos finales de la República Romana a través de la obra Bellum Catilinae, Cayo Salustio Crispo | |  |
Gooder, Eileen A. | Latin for Local History. An Introduction | |  |
Goodnick Westenholz, Joan | Images of Inspiration. The Old Testament in Early Christian Art | |  |
Griffith, Kyle L. | Ritual, cult, and sacred space. Transcending death in the painted tomb of Roman Libya | |  |
Grimal, Pierre | El alma romana | |  |
Wells, Colin M. | L'Impero Romano | |  |
Harrison , Juliette Grace | Cultural memory and imagination. dreams and dreaming in the Roman Empire 31 BC – AD 200 | |  |
Hengel, Martin | How Rome's administration of the Fiscus Judaicus accelerated the parting of the ways between Juda | |  |
Herrera Cajas, Héctor | Los orígenes del Arte Bizantino. Ensayo sobre la formación del Arte Cristiano. | |  |
Hersch, Karen K. | The Roman Wedding. Ritual and Meaning in Antiquity | |  |
Highet, Gilbert | The Classical Tradition. Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature | |  |
Hijmans, Steven Ernst | Sol. The Sun in the Art and Religions of Rome | |  |
Hijmans, Steven Ernst | Sol: The Sun in the Art and Religions of Rome - Plates | |  |
Hoyos, Dexter | The Carthaginians (Peoples of the Ancient World) | |  |
Humphrey, John William ; Oleson, John Peter & Sherwood, Andrew N.
| Greek and Roman Technology: A Sourcebook | |  |
Hurtado, Larry W. | At the Origins of Christian Worship. The Context and Character of Earliest Christian Devotion | |  |
Ireland, S. | Roman Britain : A Sourcebook 2Nd Ed. | |  |
Jeppesen-Wigelsworth, Alison D. | The Portrayal of Roman Wives in Literature and Inscriptions.pdf | |  |
Jiménez Sanchez, Juan Antonio | Poder Imperial y espectáculos en occidente durante la Antigüedad Tardía | Tesis de Doctorado dirigida por el Dr. Josep Vilella Masana-Universidad de Barcelona |  |
Jo Coles, Amanda | Not effigies parvae populi romani. Gods, agency, and landscape in mid-Republican colonization | |  |
Jo Coles, Amanda | Not effigies parvae populi romani. Gods, agency, and landscape in mid-Republican colonization | |  |
Johanson, Christopher John | Spectacle in the Forum. Visualizing the Roman aristocratic funeral of the Middle Republic | |  |
Johnson, Luke Timothy | Among the Gentiles. Greco-Roman Religion and Christianity (The Anchor Yale Bible Reference Librar | |  |
Jordan Bannon, Cynthia | Gardens and Neighbors. Private Water Rights in Roman Italy (Law and Society in the Ancient World) | |  |
Katsapis, Antonia | Death and the afterlife in Mycenaean thought | |  |
Keller, Marie Noel | Choosing what is best. Paul, Roman society, and Philippians | |  |
Kelley, Anna Colleen | Trial by Fire: a Comparison of Provincial Cremations
within the Roman Empire and the Implications for
Cultural Analysis | |  |
Kelley, Patrick A. | Imperial Secrets. Remapping the Mind of Empire | |  |
Kennedy, D. L & Riley, D. N. | Rome's Desert Frontier. From the Air | |  |
Kirk Ross, Steven | Towards Roman Edessa. 114-242 C.E. | |  |
Kiselewich, Rebecca
| Cicero's Pro Caelio_and the Leges_de Vi of Rome in_the Late Republic | |  |
Klauck, Hans-Josef | Religious Context of Early Christianity. A Guide to Graeco-Roman Religions | |  |
Kurth, Godefroid | Les Légendes Hagiographiques | |  |
Latimer Kerr, John | The Variety of Local Religious Life in the Near East In the Hellenistic and Roman Periods | |  |
Laurence, Ray | Roman passions: a history of pleasure in imperial Rome" | |  |
Lorrio, Alberto J.
Dolores Sánchez de Prado , María | La necrópolis celtibérica
de Arcóbriga (Monreal de Ariza, Zaragoza) | |  |
Mitchell, Stephen - Van Nuffelen, Peter (eds) | One God-Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire | |  |
Montero, Santiago - Perea, Sabino
| Romana Religio / Religio Romanorum
Diccionario Bibliográfico de Religión Romana. | |  |
Morales Cara, Manuel | La esclavitud en las colonias romanas de Andalucía | |  |
Nicolet, Claude | Les Gracques ou Crise agraire et révolution à Rome | |  |
Renaut, Luc | Marquage corporel et signation religieuse dans l'antiquite Vol. I | |  |
Richardson, John S. | Hispania y los Romanos | |  |
Roldán Hervás, José Manuel | El Imperialismo Romano.
Roma y la conquista del mundo
Mediterráneo (264-133 a.C.). | |  |
Sabin, Philip.Van Wees, Hans.Whitby, Michael (Editors) | The Cambridge history of greek and roman warfare | |  |
Scullard, H.H. | From the Gracchi to Nero. A history of Rome from 133 B.C. to A.D. 68 | |  |
Silva Salgado, Jimena A. | Mecanismos de abastecimiento del ejército romano. La procedencia de las provisiones militares (218-105 A.C.) | |  |
Tavola Rotonda | Le Navi Romane ritrovate a Pisa. La dimensione mediterranea del Porto di Pisa nell'antichità. | |  |
Tosti, Mario | Santuari Cristiani d'Italia. Committenze e fruizioni tra medioevo e età moderna | |  |
Urteaga Artigas, M. Mercedes-Noain Maura, Maria José (eds.) | Mar Exterior -El Occidente atlántico en época romana | |  |
Von Altay, Coskum | Cicero, Pro Archia poeta | |  |
Negri, Giovanni e Valvo, Alfredo (A cura di) | Studi su Augusto in occasione del XX centenario della morte. | |  |
Carsana, Chiara e Troiani, Lucio (A cura di) | I percorsi di un Historikos. In memoria di Emilio Gabba. | Atti del Convegno di Pavia (18-20 settembre 2014) |
Harrel John S. | The Nisibis War 337-363
The Defense of the Roman East AD 337-363. | |
Pina Polo, Francisco | Las contiones civiles y militares en Roma. | |
Mineo, Bernard, Edited by, | A Companion to Livy. | |
Hingley, Richard | Globalizing Roman Culture.
Unity, diversity and empire. | |
Münzer, Friedrich | Roman Aristocratic Parties and Families. | |
Brunt, P. A. | Conflictos sociales en la República Romana. | |
Bradley, Keith | Esclavitud y sociedad en Roma. | |
Ortiz, E.-De-Urbina-Vallejo, J. M. (Editores) | Métodos y Técnicas en Ciencias de La Antigüedad.
Estudios sobre investigación y docencia. | |
Humbert, Michel | Municipium et civitas civitas sine suffragio.
L'organisation de la conquête jusqu'à la guerre sociale. | |
Smith, Christopher-Yarrow, Liv Mariah | Imperialism, Cultural Politics, and Polybius. | |
Gabba, Emilio. | Conversación sobre la Historia a cargo de Umberto Laffi. | |
De Martino, Francesco | Historia Económica de Roma Antigua, T. I-II | |
Martínez-Pinna, Jorge | Los Orígenes de Roma | |
Bravo, Gonzalo | Poder político y desarrollo social en la Roma Antigua. | |
Paoli, Ugo Enrico | Urbs. La vida en la Roma antigua. | |
Ross Taylor, Lily | The voting districts of the Roman Republic. The thirty -five urban and rural tribes. | |
Badian, E. | Roman Imperialism in the late Republic. | |
Ferrary, Jean-Louis. | Philhellénisme et impérialisme aspects idéologiques de la conquête romaine du monde hellénistique, de la seconde guerre de Macédoine à la guerre contre Mithridate. | |
Nicolet, Claude. | L’ordre équestre à l’époque républicaine (312-43 av. J.-C.). Tomo 2. | Prosopographie des chevaliers Romains. |
Gruen,Erich S. | Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome. | |
Gruen,Erich S. | The Last Generation of the Roman Republic | |
Crawford, Michael Hewson (ed.) | Roman Statutes, Volume I . | (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 64) |
Crawford, Michael Hewson (ed.) | Roman Statutes, Volume II. | (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 64) |
Momigliano, Arnaldo. | Il conflitto tra paganesimo e cristianesimo nel secolo IV. | |
Cary, M.; Scullard, H. H., et. al. | Oxford Classical Dictionary. | |
Cary, M., Litt, D., Scullard, H.H., F.B.A. (auth.) | A History of Rome: Down to the Reign of Constantine. | |
Mommsen T. | History of Rome, Vol. III. | |
Mommsen T. | History of Rome, Vol. I. | WITH A MILITARY MAP OF ITALY. |
Mommsen T. | History of Rome, Vol. II. | |
Mommsen T. | History of Rome, Vol. IV. | |
Mommsen T. | History of Rome, Vol. V. | |
Broughton, T. Robert S. | The Magistrates of the Roman Republic 1: Volume 1: 509 B.C. - 100 B.C. | (Philological Monographs). |
Broughton, T. Robert S. | The Magistrates of the Roman Republic 99 B.C.-31 B.C. Vol. 2. | (Philological Monographs) |
Grimal, P. | El Mundo Mediterráneo en la Edad Antigua 2: El Helenismo y el Auge de Roma. Vol. 6. | |
Grimal, P. | El Mundo Mediterráneo en la Edad Antigua 3: La Formación del Imperio Romano. Vol. 7. | |
Harris, W.V. | Rethinking the Mediterranean. | |
Harris, W.V. - Holmes,Brooke | Aelius Aristides between Greece, Rome, and the Gods. | |
Mazzarino, Santo. | Il pensiero storico classico, I. | |
Mazzarino, Santo | Il pensiero storico classico, II, 1. | |
Mazzarino, Santo | Il pensiero storico classico, II, 2. | |
Mazzarino, Santo. | L'Impero Romano, 1. | |
Mazzarino, Santo | L'Impero Romano, 2. | |
Mazzarino, Santo | The End of the Ancient World. | |
Sordi, Marta | Scritti di storia romana. | |
Sordi, Marta | I cristiani e l’impero romano. | |
Millar, F. | El Mundo Mediterráneo en la Edad Antigua 4: El Imperio Romano y sus Pueblos Limítrofes, Vol. 8. | |
Millar, F. | A Study of Cassius Dio. | |
Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio | Roma. L'arte nel centro del potere - Dalle origini al II sec. d.C. | |
Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio | Introduzione all'archeologia. | |
Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio | Del helenismo a la Edad Media. | |
Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio-AA., BB. AA e B.C. | L'Italia storica e artistica allo sbaraglio. | |
Bowra, C.M. | La literatura griega. | |
Coarelli, Filippo | Il Foro Romano, Vol. II. | Periodo Repubblicano e Augusteo. |
Dumezil, Georges | La religion Romaine Archaïque. | Avec un appendice sur la religion des Etrusques. |
Dumezil, Georges | Mito y Epopeya, III. Historias romanas. | |
Homo, León | Le siècle d'or de l'Empire Romain. | |
Pallotino, M. | The Etruscans. | |
Zanker, Paul | Arte romana. | |
Zanker, Paul | Augusto y el poder de las imágenes. | |
Bloch, Raymond | | Gli Etruschi. |
Syme, Ronald -(Edited by
Anthony R. Birley)
| Roman Papers, III. | |
Syme, Ronald-(Edited by
Anthony R. Birley)
| Roman Papers, IV.
| |
Yavetz, Zvi | Plebs and Princeps. | |
Roldan, J. M. | Instituciones políticas de la república romana. | |
Giardina, Andrea y Otros | El hombre romano. | |
Emilio Gabba- Daniele Foraboschi - Dario Mantovani- Elio Lo Cascio - Lucio Troiani | Introduzione alla Storia di Roma. | |
Astin, A.E. | Scipio Aemilianus. | |
Carandini, Andrea | Storie dalla terra. Manuale di scavo archeologico. | |
Edward Gibbon | The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
(A. D. 180-476), Vol. I. | |
Edward Gibbon | The Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. (A.D 476-1461), Vol. II. | |
Lintott, A. W. | Violence in Republican Rome. | |
Syme, Ronald | Tacitus, Volume I. | |
Syme, Ronald | Tacitus, Volume II. | |
Martínez-Pinna, Jorge | El pueblo etrusco. | |
Montero, S. - J. Martinez-Pinna,J. | La Conquista de Italia y la igualdad de los órdenes. | |
González Román, C. | La República tardía: Cesarianos y Pompeyanos. | |
Chic, G. | La dinastía de los Antoninos. | |
Blázquez, J. M. | Agricultura y minería romanas durante el Alto Imperio. | |
Blázquez, J. M. | Artesanado y comercio durante el Alto Imperio. | |
Gascó, Fernando | El Paganismo durante el Alto Imperio. | |
Bravo, Gonzalo | El colonato Bajoimperial. | |
Muñoz, Francisco A.-González, Cristóbal-Roldán, J. Manuel | Roma contra Cartago. | |
Oakley, S. P. | A Commentary on Livy.
Books VI-X.
| Volume IV
Book X
Ogilvie, R. M. | A Commentary on Livy.
Books I-V. | |
Hubeñak, Florencio | Roma el Mito político. | |
Connolly, Peter | Aníbal y los enemigos de Roma. | |
Kovaliov, S. l. | Historia de Roma-
Tomo l.
La República. | Roma antigua hasta la Primera Guerra Púnica. |
Kovaliov, S. l. | Historia de Roma-
Tomo lI.
La República | Desde la Primera Guerra Púnica hasta la caída de la República. |
Kovaliov, S. l. | Historia de Roma-
Tomo lII.
El Imperio. | |
Bravo, Gonzalo | Historia de la Roma antigua. | |
González, Julián (ed.) | Trajano emperador de Roma. | |
Lo Cascio, Elio | Crescita e declino.
Studi di storia dell'economia romana. | |
Chastagnol, André | Le Sénat Romain á l'époque impériale. Recherches sur la composition de l'Assemblé et le status de ses membres. | |
Toynbee. Amold J. | L'eredità di Annibale. Vol. I.
Roma e l'Italia prima di Annibale.
| |
Toynbee. Amold J. | L'eredità di Annibale. Vol. II.
Roma e il Mediterraneo dopo Annibale. | |
Ciaceri, Emanuele | Cicerone e i sui tempi. | Volume II-Dal consolato alla morte (a. 63-43 a.C. |
Balsdon, J. P. V. D. (ed.) | Los Romanos. | |
Carcopino, Jerome | Jules César. | |
Brown, Peter | El mundo de la Antigüedad tardía.
De Marco Aurelio a Mahoma. | |
Brown, Peter | El Cuerpo
y la sociedad.
Los hombres, las mujeres y la renuncia sexual
en el cristianismo primitivo. | |
Carcopino, Jerome | La vida cotidiana en Roma. | |
Brunt, P.A. | Italian Manpower 225 B.C.-A.D. 14 | |
Gelzer, Matthias | The Roman Nobility. | |
Boissier, Gaston | La fine del mondo pagano. | |
Sherwin-White, A.N. | The Roman Citizenship. | |
Brown, Peter | La nascita dell'Europa Cristiana.
| |
Heurgon, Jacques (Mélanges offerts a, ) | L'Italie Préromaine et la Rome Républicaine, Vol. I. | |
Bowersock, G. W. -Brown, Peter - Grabar, Oleg (Editors) | Late Antiquity a Guide to the Postclassical World.
| |
Ariès, Philippe, Duby, Georges (Bajo la Dirección de) | Historia de la Vida privada, Vol. I.
Imperio Romano y Antigüedad tardía. | Bajo la Dirección de Paul Veyne |
Adcock, F. E. | The Roman Art of War
Under the Republic. | |
Hellegouarc'h, J. | Le Vocabulaire latin des relations et des partis politiques sous la République.
| |
Brown, Peter | Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity
Towards a Christian Empire. | |
Cassola, Filippo | I Gruppi politici romani nel III secolo A.C. | |
Pais, Ettore | Storia della Sardegna e dalla Corsica durante il periodo romano.
Volume Primo. | |
Pais, Ettore | Storia della Sardegna e dalla Corsica durante il periodo romano.
Volume Secondo. | |
Brizzi, Giovanni | Roma: potere e identità. Dalle origini alla nascita dell'Impero Cristiano.
| |
Merello A., Italo | Historia del Derecho | |
Chapot, Victor | The Roman World. | |
Grimal, Pierre | Diccionario de Mitología Griega y Romana. | |
Pallottino, Massimo | Storia della prima Italia. | |
Grimal, Pierre | Cicerón. | |
Grimal, Pierre | La Civilización Romana.
Vida, costumbres, leyes, artes.
| |
Grimal, Pierre | Virgilio o el segundo nacimiento de Roma. | |
Christol, Michel-Nony, Daniel | De los orígenes de Roma
a las invasiones bárbaras. | |  |
Aron, Raymond | Peace & War a Theory of
International Relations | |
Gros, Pierre -
Torelli, Mario | Storia dell'urbanistica.
Il mondo romano
| |
Strauss, Barry | La guerra de Espartaco | |
Brizzi, Giovanni | Scipione e Annibale.
La guerra per salvare Roma. | |
Aufstieg Und Niedergang
Der Römischen WeltAufstieg Und Niedergang
Der Römischen Welt
Geschichte Und Kultur Roms
Im Spiegelder Neueren Forschung.
| Von Den Anfängen Roms
Bis Zum Ausgang Der Republik.
Dritter Band.
| Herausgegeben
Hildegard Temporini
I |
Rich, John-Shipley, Graham, (edited by) | War and Society in the Roman War. | |
Eckstein, Arthur M. | Rome Enters the Greek East
From Anarchy to
Hierarchy in the Hellenistic
Mediterranean, 230–170 bc. | |
Eckstein, Arthur M. | Mediterranean Anarchy,
Interstate War, and the
Rise of Rome. | |
Burton, Paul J. | Friendship and Empire.
Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 bc). | |
Syme, Ronald - (Edited by Anthony R. Birley) | Roman Papers, VII. | |
Syme, Ronald - (Edited by Anthony R. Birley) | Roman Papers, VI. | |
Syme, Ronald - (Edited by Anthony R. Birley) | Roman Papers, V. | |
Syme, Ronald - (Edited by Anthony E. Badian) | Roman Papers, I. | |
Syme, Ronald - (Edited by Anthony E. Badian) | Roman Papers, II. | |
Bancalari Molina, Alejandro | Orbe Romano e Imperio Global. La romanización desde Augusto a Caracalla | |
Beard, Mary | The Roman Triumph | |
Syme, Ronald | La Revolución Romana | |
Harris, W.V. | Roman Power.
A thousand years of Empire | |
Mastrocinque, Attilio | Lucio Giunio Bruto. Ricerche di Storia, religione e diritto sulle origini della repubblica romana. | |
Scullard, H.H. | Roman Politics - 220-150 B.C. | |
Beck, Hans- Duplá, Antonio-Jehne, Martin-Pina Polo, Francisco | Consuls and Res Publica. | |
Édités par Christel
Müller et Claire Hasenohr | Les Italiens dans le Monde Grec
II siècle av. J.-C. - l siècle ap. J.-C.
Circulation Activités, Intégration. | Actes de la Table Ronde
École Normale Supérieure,
PARIS 14-16 Mai 1998. |
Flower, Harriet I. | Roman Republics | |
Mouritsen, Henrik | Plebs and Politics in the
Late Roman Republic | |
Dumont, Jean-Christian - Ferrary, Jean-Louis-
Moreau, Philippe- Nicolet, Claude. | Insula Sacra
La Loi Gabinia-Calpurnia de Délos (58 av. J.-C.) | |
Jehne, Martin | Caesar
| |
Mouritsen, Henrik | The Freedman in the Roman World. | |
Morstein-Marx, Robert | Mass Oratory and political power in the late Roman Republic. | |
Mouritsen, Henrik | Politics in the Roman Republic. | |
Jane Hamblin, Dora | Los Etruscos I | Edición Time Life Folio |
Jane Hamblin, Dora | Los Etruscos II | Edición Time Life Folio |
Ogilvie, R. M. | Early Rome and the Etruscans. | |
Bloch, Raymond | Los Etruscos | |
Harris, W.V. | Guerra e Imperialismo en la Roma republicana 327-70 a.C. | |
González, Julián (Ed.) | Trajano, emperador de Roma. | |
Giorcelli Bersani, Silvia | Epigrafia e storia di Roma. | |
Pairault Massa, Françoise-Hélène
| Iconologia e Politica nell'Italia Antica.
Roma, Lazio, Etruria dal VII al I Secolo a.C.
| |
Melani, Chiara (cap. 1-4)
Fontanella, Francesca (cap. 5)
Cecconi, Giovanni Alberto (cap. 6-7) | Atlas Ilustrado de la Antigua Roma.
De los orígenes a la caída del Imperio. | |
Letta, Cesare e Segenni, Simonetta (A cura di) | Roma e le sue province.
Dalla prima guerra punica a Diocleziano. | |
Bonnet, Corinne ed Sanzi, Ennio (A cura di) | Roma, la città degli dèi.
La capitale dell'Impero come laboratorio religioso. | |
García, Jorge Tomás | Iconografías del arte
antiguo: Grecia y
| Prólogo de Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira. |
Gabba, Emilio. | Lezioni
al Collegio Nuovo. | |
Giardina, Andrea. | L'Italia Romana
Storie di un'Identità incompiuta. | |
Bayet, Jean. | La Religión Romana
Historia Política y Psicológica. | |
Adcock, F. E. | Roman political ideas and practice. | |
De Sanctis, Gaetano | La Guerra Sociale. | Opera inedita a cura di Leandro Polverini. |
Nicolet, Claude | Strutture dell'Italia romana (Sec. III-I a.C.) | |
Wiseman, T. P. | New men in the Roman Senate.
129 B.C.- A.D. 14. | |
Nicolet, Claude | Space, Geography, and Politics in the Early Roman Empire. | |
Hamilton, Keith and Richard Langhorne. | The Practice of Diplomacy. Its evolution, theory and administration. | |
Anderson, M.S. | The Rise of Modern Diplomacy-(1450-1919). | |
Torelli, Mario | L'Arte degli Etruschi | |
Goldsworthy, Adrian | La caída de Cartago. Las Guerras Púnicas, 265-146 a.C. | |
Abulafia, David | The Great Sea. A Human History of the Mediterranean. | |
Holleaux, Maurice | Rome, la Grèce et les Monarchies Hellénistiques au III siècle avant J.-C. (273-205) | |
Veyne, Paul | Cómo se escribe la Historia. Foucault revoluciona la historia. | |
Veyne, Paul | L'impero Greco-Romano. Le radici del mondo globale. | |
Herrera, Héctor | Las Relaciones Internacionales del Imperio Bizantino durante la época de las grandes invasiones. | |
Veyne, Paul | Bread and Circuses | |
Pflaum, H. G. | Les procurateurs équestres sous le Haute - Empire Romain. | |
Pflaum, H. G. | Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haute - Empire Romain. | Tome Premier |
Nicolson, Harold | Diplomacy | |
Gómez García, M. Natalia | El debate sobre el Imperialismo Romano. Tres casos de la Lusitania. | |  |
Buono-Core V., Raúl | Aspectos de la lucha política en Roma en la segunda mitad del siglo III a.C. | |  |
Nicolet, Claude | Recherches sur la fiscalité directe sous la Republique romaine. | |  |
Heurgon, Jacques | Recherches sur l'histoire, la religion et la civilisation de Capoue preromaine des origines a la deuxième guerre punique. | |  |
Emilio, Gabba (a cura) | Polybe | Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique- Fondation Hardt , Tome XX. (1973) |  |
Campanile, E. - Letta, C. | Studi sulle magistrature indigene e municipale in area italica. | |  |
Suolahti, Jaakko | The Roman Censors: a study on social structure. | |  |
Sherwin-White, A. N. | The letters of Pliny. A historical and social commentary. | |  |
Luttwak, Edward N. | La grande strategia dell'Impero Bizantino. | |  |
Luttwak, Edward N. | The grand Strategy of the Bizantine Empire. | |  |
Carcopino, Jérôme | Passion et politique chez le Césars. | |  |
Broughton, T. Robert S. | Supplement to The Magistrates of the Roman Republic. | |  |
Scullard, H. H. | Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic. | |  |
Scullard, H. H. | Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War. | |  |
Ogilvie, Robert M. -Crawford, Michael H. | Roma, dalle origini all'età repubblicana. | Ogilvie, Robert M., Le origini di Roma.
Crawford, Michael H., Roma nell'età reppublicana. |  |
Harris, W. V. | Rome's Imperial Economy.
Twelve Essays. | |  |
Harris, W. V., edited by, | The Monetary Systems of the Greeks and Romans. | |  |
Buono-Core V., Raúl | Roma Republicana: Estrategias, expansión y dominios (525-31 a.C.). | |  |